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    Black Blood Children


    Black Blood Children

    The most successful cult around the Scrapbridge area is that of the Black Blood, a congregation that gathers in and maintains an oil refinery in almost perfect working condition and has turned it into a heavily armored and protected settlement.

    They worship oil with an unsettling reverence bestowed upon them by the strange deity Tex’co. They do...

    The most successful cult around the Scrapbridge area is that of the Black Blood, a congregation that gathers in and maintains an oil refinery in almost perfect working condition and has turned it into a heavily armored and protected settlement.

    They worship oil with an unsettling reverence bestowed upon them by the strange deity Tex’co. They don’t trade with the clack blood they extract from beneath the ground, as only the cult members are worthy of its blessing. Although they sometimes tried in the past to carry the word of Tex’co to other settlements to get new followers, their politics were not aggressive. That doesn’t mean that they were not fit to fight, as they were well aware that almost any other rival gang would do anything to get their oil and they had to protect it at all costs.

    Showing 1 - 20 of 20 items
    Showing 1 - 20 of 20 items
    Black Blood Children

    Black Blood Children

    The most successful cult around the Scrapbridge area is that of the Black Blood, a congregation that gathers in and maintains an oil refinery in almost perfect working condition and has turned it into a heavily armored and protected settlement.

    They worship oil with an unsettling reverence bestowed upon them by the strange deity Tex’co. They don’t trade with the clack blood they extract from beneath the ground, as only the cult members are worthy of its blessing. Although they sometimes tried in the past to carry the word of Tex’co to other settlements to get new followers, their politics were not aggressive. That doesn’t mean that they were not fit to fight, as they were well aware that almost any other rival gang would do anything to get their oil and they had to protect it at all costs.

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