

A role play game is a type of narrative / interpretive game in which players assume the "role" of imaginary characters throughout a story or plot in which they interpret their dialogues and describe their actions.

In this type of games there is usually no script to follow, since the development of the story is completely subject to the decisions ...

A role play game is a type of narrative / interpretive game in which players assume the "role" of imaginary characters throughout a story or plot in which they interpret their dialogues and describe their actions.

In this type of games there is usually no script to follow, since the development of the story is completely subject to the decisions of the players. For this reason, imagination, oral narration, originality and ingenuity are essential for the proper development of this dramaturgical form.

A role-playing game, as in most of the activities that humanity performs, especially recreational activities, does not have a single way of playing.

The course of the games is supervised by one of the participants of the game, who is not designated as "player" but is distinguished from the players by the term "game director". The game director is the one who fulfills the functions of narrator of the story and mediator between the players, and plays those characters not characterized by these, the non-player characters.

In this section you can find all the role-playing games available for sale, both in Spanish and in English. You can find the basic games and even the expansions available to expand the game and get the most out of it.

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Showing 1 - 21 of 1154 items
Showing 1 - 21 of 1154 items




A role play game is a type of narrative / interpretive game in which players assume the "role" of imaginary characters throughout a story or plot in which they interpret their dialogues and describe their actions.

In this type of games there is usually no script to follow, since the development of the story is completely subject to the decisions of the players. For this reason, imagination, oral narration, originality and ingenuity are essential for the proper development of this dramaturgical form.

A role-playing game, as in most of the activities that humanity performs, especially recreational activities, does not have a single way of playing.

The course of the games is supervised by one of the participants of the game, who is not designated as "player" but is distinguished from the players by the term "game director". The game director is the one who fulfills the functions of narrator of the story and mediator between the players, and plays those characters not characterized by these, the non-player characters.

In this section you can find all the role-playing games available for sale, both in Spanish and in English. You can find the basic games and even the expansions available to expand the game and get the most out of it.

Formas de pago Turol Games