


“The citizen has become a consumer; and when the consumer is no longer profitable, he is cast away and left out of society”
Consumidores y excluidos, Ignacio Lewkowicz, 2004


At the beginning of the 21st century the economic crisis, caused by water and fossil fuels shortages, as well as the ruthless speculation of the main economic powers, bec...

“The citizen has become a consumer; and when the consumer is no longer profitable, he is cast away and left out of society”
Consumidores y excluidos, Ignacio Lewkowicz, 2004


At the beginning of the 21st century the economic crisis, caused by water and fossil fuels shortages, as well as the ruthless speculation of the main economic powers, became pandemic. Although at first general population trusted that at the end things would go back to the good old times and (afraid in part to end up with nothing at all) accepted without resistance one measure after another to strip them from all the rights they had achieved through the last decades, at the end the general unrest was so high that ignited the spark of rebellion.

At first they were few, but in time millions of citizens all around the world took the streets with nothing to lose, blaming all the economical and political powers for their situation, those who have remained at the top of the pyramid as an untouchable oligarchy. There was war, carnage, anarchy… whole countries were nearly wiped out. The entire world was being torn apart...

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 item
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 item


  • Banda del cómic

    Yes, you can play with nothing more and nothing less than the protagonists of the Punkapoclayptic comics (which of course if you have not read them, we recommend that you get them at your favorite comic store, which are only two, cheap and very fun).
    Dan has passed his initiation test to be part of the BLACK MOON gang. His first mission will be to accompany his mentor Rita to the Minas del Olvido in search of some missing members of the gang. But the Páramo is not free of dangers and surprises, and along the way they will encounter enemies and allies, until they discover a danger that threatens to be unleashed on the Scrapbridge Zone.
    Let's see, we're not going to tell you any more as it would be going into the guts of what happens in the comics.

  • Wasteland beasts

    Beasts of the Wasteland Faction of the Punkapocalyptic Miniature Game

  • Junkers

    Finding tools, weapons, vehicles or almost anything in the Wasteland is hard and dangerous. But the Junkers, also called Scavengers by some, make a living of it. They search among the piles of rubble of old cities and the disposal waste of the Megalopoli, and they always find things to sell or trade at this settlement or the other. They are adept on repairing and “patching” machines, although not very neatly, and more often than not they end up creating complex apparatus to solve simple tasks, and not the other way around.

    They are probably the faction that can roam this side of the Wasteland with more freedom of movement than any other, as everyone is interested in trading with them to get good stuff, and it is not wise to attack the people that can get them. That doesn’t mean they are totally safe, and from time to time a gang of Junkers is attacked to steal their goods, so although they are not the best fighters in the world, they have wits and devices with which to defend themselves, and they are used to move around dangerous places like no other.

  • Black Blood Children

    The most successful cult around the Scrapbridge area is that of the Black Blood, a congregation that gathers in and maintains an oil refinery in almost perfect working condition and has turned it into a heavily armored and protected settlement.

    They worship oil with an unsettling reverence bestowed upon them by the strange deity Tex’co. They don’t trade with the clack blood they extract from beneath the ground, as only the cult members are worthy of its blessing. Although they sometimes tried in the past to carry the word of Tex’co to other settlements to get new followers, their politics were not aggressive. That doesn’t mean that they were not fit to fight, as they were well aware that almost any other rival gang would do anything to get their oil and they had to protect it at all costs.

  • Idos

    The Idos are the product of the now devastated megalopolis of Liberty City. Ambrosia, a very powerful designer psychotropic drug, burst into this society like a wrecking ball. It affected each person differently; There were those who began to have visions and hallucinations, some could not stand it and committed suicide, others suffered delusions that made them fall into madness and savagery, while others expanded their minds to unimaginable limits, until they no longer belonged to the human world. It is not known at what exact moment the final collapse occurred, but those now known as Idos were forming groups and killing off the population that was not influenced by Ragweed, and the other weaker groups.

    Now they travel through the Páramo in search of victims who can make them feel something,

  • Irradiados

    The Irradiated (who refer to themselves as the True Heirs) are one of the strangest, most isolated, and least numerous factions in the Wasteland. Its origin dates back to the times when ancient nations confronted each other, using weapons with increasingly destructive power. In this race to create devices that would allow them to eradicate their enemies, laboratories and factories were necessary in which to design and experiment with new forms of mass destruction. Most of these facilities, located in secret locations with strong security measures, succumbed, like everything else, in the great cleanup that was unleashed after the creation of the Megalopolis and that ended up shaping the Wasteland as we now know it. But one of them, known as Aurora, built inside a gigantic sphere of an ultra-resistant experimental material, survived this catastrophe when it was hermetically sealed.

    For generations, its original settlers subsisted, isolated from the rest of the world and the events that followed, thanks to the base's self-sufficient systems. Its inhabitants, descendants of an elite of scientists and researchers, eventually became convinced that they were the only inhabitants of the world, which they would enjoy, in their own right, at the right time. Around these ideas, the inhabitants of the base created a Sophocratic society in which a council, made up of the wisest, dictated the rules of the community. But as the years went by, the corruption of power and the lack of contact with the outside world ended up reinforcing this egocentric conception, which took on pseudo-religious overtones, mixing some of the religions of the World of Yesteryear with its strange beliefs. Those already considered True Heirs were convinced that they had been appointed by a Supreme Intelligence to represent the resurgence of a new and improved human species, atoned for their past mistakes. They established a strict hierarchy among their members, and social norms became increasingly stricter as their ideology became radicalized. But no matter how advanced the base's technology was, the passage of time made it increasingly difficult to contain leaks from the nuclear reactors that provided it with energy. Progressively and gradually exposed to radiation, the inhabitants, against all odds, adapted to this new and lethal environment, as had happened centuries ago with other animal species after nuclear catastrophes. Their bodies, the result of contact with this Sacred Manna, suffered subtle variations, such as skin coloring, which took on fluorescent tints, hair loss and a substantial loss of fertility.

    And for some unfathomable reason, now his time has come. The Irradiated have decided to leave their refuge to complete the mission entrusted to them: to make the world in their image and likeness. As their prophecies had already predicted, with the opening of the spherical base The New Man emerged from an Egg. And the fact that they have verified that there are other settlers in the Páramo only means that they must be eradicated as final proof of their dedication.

  • Books

    Dive into its background, from the terrible fights of the Sinagua well, to the dangerous Teether Hills. From the ruins of the World of Yesteryear from Torresbrillantes to Puentechatarra, the largest settlement in the area.

    Recreate clashes between gangs in a post-apocalyptic future, whether in search of resources, to gain territory or for the simple pleasure of spanking. Fight with the Gang members, the Mutardos, the Junkyards, the Sons of Black Blood or the V Reich.

    Punkapocalyptic is the most deadly and deadly skirmish game with miniatures.

  • Masters of the Wasteland

    Miniatures with multiple heads and weapons to be used in different factions. Assemble them to your liking!

  • Punka Mercenaries

    Although the Páramo is a dangerous place and it is common for people to band together in gangs to survive, some outstanding individuals go it alone and can afford to offer their services to the highest bidder. Most of them are mercenaries without any affiliation, who usually only work for those who put the most bullets on the table. Although there are always others motivated by different criteria, such as helping those most in need or those who wear the coolest clothes.

  • Mutards

    No one knows exactly when did the first mutants started to appear, but there were rumors about people with strange powers even before the population was expelled from the Megalopoli and threw out to the Wasteland. Their origins can vary a lot; maybe all the chemical agents and radiation levels accumulated in the marginal areas back in the days took a heavy toll on their inhabitants, or they might be the flawed outcomes of sinister genetic investigation experiments, or just plain and simple natural selection. The fact is that their ranks have increased notably since people have been forced to live in the Wasteland.

    Mutants are not very popular in the area of Scrapbridge and most people have reactions that vary from grudging acceptance to hunting posses in some towns. The fact is that everyone calls them Mutards now, a derogative name that might come from the union of “mutant” and “bastard”.

    As a rule of thumb Mutards are not very well equipped, as usually nobody trades with them, but they possess a wide array of mutations that can counter that drawback.

  • Gangers

    Life in the Wasteland is hard and, if you don’t want or simply can’t stay in a settlement, it is vital to team up. Gangers are probably the most common faction you can find in this part of the Wasteland, from groups of raiders to vigilantes. These gangs make a living attacking settlements or travelers to get bullets and gas, acting as mercenaries to carry out the wishes of some local chief, patrolling the surroundings of a colony, or just roaming the Wasteland as free spirits with the strength of the group to improve their chances of survival. They are the best combatants and they have more firepower than any other faction.

    There are some gangs that follow a distinct and well defined style, such as using the same clothes, show some tribal tattoos off or shave half their heads. Others are totally mixed and don’t have any distinctive feature.

    These gangs are usually nomad and try to get whatever they need on the road, but some of them have some kind fo refuge or base camp to rest, shelter or train their greens.

  • Troupe

    Troupe band for the Punkapocalyptic miniatures game

  • Unami
  • V Reich

    No one knows exactly who stablished the V Reich operating around the Scrapbridge area, but they undoubtedly were some folks who found a heavy load of 20th century History books and they clearly lost control of their grip with all the national-socialist regalia linked with the European fascist regimes from the 30s and 40s. Staying away from the anarch-punk attitude and looks of the regular gangers, this person or persons founded a highly-militarized, organized and hierarchical organization, stocking loads of military apparel in a fortresslike settlement they baptized as Festung  Germania. As the books that survived from the World of Before stated very old dates, and doubting if there had been another Reich after the Third they had read so much about, they decided to name the new organization as the Fifth Reich, just in case.



“The citizen has become a consumer; and when the consumer is no longer profitable, he is cast away and left out of society”
Consumidores y excluidos, Ignacio Lewkowicz, 2004


At the beginning of the 21st century the economic crisis, caused by water and fossil fuels shortages, as well as the ruthless speculation of the main economic powers, became pandemic. Although at first general population trusted that at the end things would go back to the good old times and (afraid in part to end up with nothing at all) accepted without resistance one measure after another to strip them from all the rights they had achieved through the last decades, at the end the general unrest was so high that ignited the spark of rebellion.

At first they were few, but in time millions of citizens all around the world took the streets with nothing to lose, blaming all the economical and political powers for their situation, those who have remained at the top of the pyramid as an untouchable oligarchy. There was war, carnage, anarchy… whole countries were nearly wiped out. The entire world was being torn apart...

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