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Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment.
However, humanity’s greed and ambition have cr...
Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment.
However, humanity’s greed and ambition have created a Dystopian Age where nations clash and the threat of war forever lingers. We must remember that all is not lost. In Wild West Exodus the bravery and actions of individuals on the frontier can still forge legends and change the world.
The Metalsmith in town is usually tasked with fixing some broken piece of equipment or other that most...
The last place in town anyone wants to visit, and the inevitable last place they do visit, is the Red Oak...
Despite the town of Red Oak being a place where folks of all kinds pass through, it's the Jail that has seen more...
Giulianna Starr, proprietor of the Red Oak Cat House has her work cut out for her. Despite there being little in the...
The bridge in the town of Red Oak is the only one for miles both up and downstream and could be considered a...
The one place in Red Oak that isn't busy is the Prospector's Shack just on the outskirts. Some say it's haunted and...
The Red Oak saloon is considered by many to be the dark heart of the town. The local law officials are spread so...
Some of the more well-to-do citizens of Red Oak decided to have fences built around their properties and yards,...
Those who think that Martha Earp has a softer nature than her brothers are sorely mistaken. After an illness in her...
The Apex Hellions are truly the height of Caym's hellion design, often used as lieutenants, or more accurately pack...
The Vreib possessed - naturally evolved chameleonic ability that helped them avoid or manipulate the many predators...
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Abraham Lincoln believes that the times of the Dystopian Age are...
If - man is defined by his actions, then Custer is the epitome of all that young men and women strive to become....
It became painfully clear to President Lincoln that he was best suited to shepherd his beloved nation back to peace...
The bloody Civil War that raged throughout the Union in the early part of the 1860s, typically referred to as the Ore...
Having crushed the Confederacy in the Civil War - decade ago, the Union has retained its war-footing and now turns...
The G.I. Bot is - military grade version of the UR-31 and shares many features with the Heavy Lawbots of the same...
Warcradle Studios are proud to announce our Warcradle Classics range.- As our team have been working through testing...
Protected by the Great Spirit, the Warrior Nation are the indigenous peoples of the Earth. In this new age of...
Protected by the Great Spirit, the Warrior Nation are the indigenous peoples of the Earth. In this new age of...
The moon-howl brothers of the mountains have long been allies to the Warrior Nation. In times of need, whole packs...
Wild West Exodus
Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment.
However, humanity’s greed and ambition have created a Dystopian Age where nations clash and the threat of war forever lingers. We must remember that all is not lost. In Wild West Exodus the bravery and actions of individuals on the frontier can still forge legends and change the world.