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A secretive branch to the Miners and Steamfitters Union, the Arcanists believe that humans should be given free rein to embrace magic and revel in its power. To outsiders of the organization, they are seen as anarchists and criminals, but to those who share their vision, the Arcanists are an ambitious collection of everyday working men and spe...
A secretive branch to the Miners and Steamfitters Union, the Arcanists believe that humans should be given free rein to embrace magic and revel in its power. To outsiders of the organization, they are seen as anarchists and criminals, but to those who share their vision, the Arcanists are an ambitious collection of everyday working men and spellcasters that are capable of truly wondrous feats.
Arcanist Starter Box es el punto de partida perfecto para un jugador listo para dar el salto a Malifaux Third...
Malifaux 3ra Edición - Los Diez Picos
Contenido:Damian Ravencroft, AspirantCaja de rompecabezasBellaventine Thrope3x Dabbler
Contenido:Damian Ravencroft, UnboundLinh Ly, narradoraMiya Murakami
Contenido:Rasputina, AbominableEuripedies, Viejo Tuerto3x Kaltgeist
La Maestra de Ceremonias en el Star Theatre, Angélica tiene un talento para su papel que solo puede describirse como...
Malifaux 3ra Edición - Twisted: A la Casa de la Abuela Vamos (Inglés) Contenido: - Big Bad (alternativa La Bestia...
Contenido: - Kandara - Esencia de poder - 3 magos oxfordianos
Mientras entra, la pólvora habla con Willie. Dice que puede escuchar el estado de ánimo y los deseos de la dinamita,...
Massively tall and durable, there are few creatures, natural or otherwise, that can rival an Ice Golem for sheer...
Malifaux 3ra Edición - Rift in the UnionLas miniaturas se suministran sin pintar. Es posible que se requiera...
Malifaux 3ra Edición - Rehecho y Reforjado - ES
Contenido:Cortinas Reva, IluminaciónKaeris, RebornDeacon Hillcrest
Contenido:3 Nexus, uno de muchosLucius, DishonorableCavatica
Los tiranos durmientes están despertando y agarrando el poder mientras los residentes de Malifaux (humanos, nunca...
Los tiranos durmientes están despertando y agarrando el poder mientras los residentes de Malifaux (humanos, nunca...
Malifaux 3.ª edición: las miniaturas de metal pesado se suministran sin pintar. Es posible que se requiera...
A secretive branch to the Miners and Steamfitters Union, the Arcanists believe that humans should be given free rein to embrace magic and revel in its power. To outsiders of the organization, they are seen as anarchists and criminals, but to those who share their vision, the Arcanists are an ambitious collection of everyday working men and spellcasters that are capable of truly wondrous feats.